Turkey with sweet potato & vegetables natural wet dog food

Naturally delicious, our nutritionally balanced grain free turkey natural wet dog food is free from junk & fillers, easy to digest and contains everything your dog needs to thrive. ...

Naturally delicious, our nutritionally balanced grain free turkey natural wet dog food is free from junk & fillers, easy to digest and contains everything your dog needs to thrive. With 75% good quality turkey alongside sweet potato, vegetables, and added vitamins and minerals, this complete wet food recipe is bursting with goodness.

Our natural ingredients are carefully selected and gently steamed to retain as much natural goodness as possible, and ensure this hypoallergenic recipe is gentle on tummies. Perfect for dogs with sensitive tummies, this grain-free meal is easy to digest.

Suitable for all your dogs feeding needs, this complete recipe can be given as a standalone meal, a combination of wet and dry, or even as a tasty topper.

Storage: a cool, dry place is best. Pop in the fridge after opening and use within 48 hours. Like most good food, it's tastiest at room temperature.

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Key Benefits

Only the best for your dog. Our tail-waggingly tasty, wholesome recipes contain natural ingredients and are bursting with goodness.

Natural Ingredients

Bursting with goodness, plus added vitamins and minerals for a balanced, healthy lifestyle

High Protein

At least 75%* high quality protein in every wet food recipe (*excludes lighter senior recipes)

Complete Meal

Complete on it's own, or a great companion to our natural dry cold pressed or lightly baked

Grain Free

Perfect for even the most sensitive of tummies

No Junk or Fillers

Free from grain, fillers, artificial colours, flavours and preservatives

Hypoallergenic Recipe

All of our wet recipes are kind and gentle on your dog's tummy.

Naturally delicious, our nutritionally balanced grain free turkey natural wet dog food is free from junk & fillers, easy to digest and contains everything your dog needs to thrive. With 75% good quality turkey alongside sweet potato, vegetables, and added vitamins and minerals, this complete wet food recipe is bursting with goodness.

Our natural ingredients are carefully selected and gently steamed to retain as much natural goodness as possible, and ensure this hypoallergenic recipe is gentle on tummies. Perfect for dogs with sensitive tummies, this grain-free meal is easy to digest.

Suitable for all your dogs feeding needs, this complete recipe can be given as a standalone meal, a combination of wet and dry, or even as a tasty topper.

Storage: a cool, dry place is best. Pop in the fridge after opening and use within 48 hours. Like most good food, it's tastiest at room temperature.



Turkey (75%)*, Sweet Potato (4%)*, Carrots (2%)*, Peas (2%)*, Minerals, Linseed Oil (0.5%)*, Herbs (Camomile, Parsley, Rosemary, Nettle) (0.12%)*, Chicory Root Extract (as a source of Prebiotic Fructo-oligosaccharide (0.05%)*, Glucosamine (50mg/kg), Chondroitin (50mg/kg), Yucca Extract (0.005%)*. *natural ingredient

Analytical Constituents:

Crude Protein 11%, Crude Fibres 0.7%, Crude Fat 7.5%, Crude Ash 4%, Moisture 70%.

Nutritional Additives:

(per kg) Vitamin A 2,500IU, Vitamin D3 200IU, Vitamin E 30mg. Trace Elements: Zinc (as Zinc Chelate of Glycine) 50mg, Iron (as Iron Chelate of Amino Acids Hydrate) 10mg, Copper (as Copper Chelate of Glycine) 5mg, Iodine (as Calcium Iodate Anhydrous) 0.5mg.

Our recommended feeding amounts are here to help you, but no-one knows your four-legged friend better than you do, so do feel free to tailor them based on your dogs individual lifestyle. As a general guide if your dog is very active you should consider feeding a little more, and likewise if your dog isn’t very active you may want to consider feeding less.

This a complete wet pet food for dogs, but it can be used as an accompaniment to a good quality, natural dry food – just make sure your adjust the quantities to avoid over-feeding.

As with all changes to your dogs' diet - if you're using the product for the first time, you should gradually introduce it to your dog over a period of 5 days to avoid any unnecessary tummy upset.

Adult recipe (1 year+)

Dog Size Dog Weight Trays per day
Small 0 – 10Kg ½ to 1 ¼
Medium 10 – 25Kg 1 ¼ to 1 ¾
Large 25 – 40Kg 1 ¾ to 2 ¼
Extra Large 40 – 70Kg 2 ¼ to 3 ¼

Please ensure fresh drinking water is always available.

Key Ingredients

75% Turkey

A wonderfully tasty and lean source of protein for your dog

  • Excellent source of protein
  • Low in calories and fat
  • Great source of amino acids

Sweet Potato

A super-nutritious carbohydrate for your dog.

  • Source of Vitamin A that promotes healthy skin, eyes & muscles
  • Rich source of vitamins A, C & B6
  • Source of potassium, calcium & iron


A vegetable rich in antioxidants and vitamins that benefit your dog's health.

  • Contains Vitamin A
  • Supports eye health
  • Improves immune function


A highly digestible vegetable packed with amino acids and vitamins.

  • Packed with minerals such as iron & potassium
  • Rich in protein
  • Contains lutein which is good for skin, heart & eye health

Linseed Oil

Rich in omega-3 fatty acids to support your dog's overall health and wellbeing.

  • Supports and protects joints
  • Anti-inflammatory benefits
  • Helps maintain healthy coat & skin


Widely known for its natural soothing properties, this ingredient has a number of benefits.

  • Natural soothing properties
  • Reduces skin irritation
  • Help ease anxiety in dogs


A powerful antioxidant well know for its natural preservative properties.

  • Powerful antioxident
  • Has natural preservative properties


A prebiotic for growth of good bacteria.

  • Stimulates growth of good gut bacteria
  • Aids digestion
  • Improves immune function

Yukka Extract

Packed with vitamins and minerals, yucca can naturally help remove toxins from the body.

  • Helps to remove toxins
  • Aids digestion
  • Reduces body odour
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We know that every dog is different, and so we've created a quick and easy questionnaire to help make it easier than ever to find the perfect food for your four-legged friend.


1 Tray of wet, 1 Cup of dry

per day


2 Trays of wet

per day


3 Cups of dry

per day

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About our grain free wet range

Our grain free wet dog food is made using good-quality, natural ingredients and is perfect for dogs with sensistive tummies. Available in recipes specifically tailored for puppies, smaller dog breeds, adults and senior dogs, in your dog's favourite flavour combination.

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