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Dogs and Fireworks: Calming Tips and Treats for Dogs

Every year that firework season comes around, it's important to consider the impact it will have on our pets. Fireworks can be terrifying for dogs - so we've created some top tips to help keep your pets calm during this period.

Top Tips For Keeping Your Dog Calm Around Fireworks

a dog leaning its head against a human's chest

Reduce Your Dog’s Stress by Planning Ahead

  • Ensure your dog is fed before any expected disturbances, as they may become too nervous to eat. Providing a natural diet, free from artificial ingredients, can help to reduce any hyperactive behaviour.
  • Let your dog out for a comfort break at dusk, before any fireworks are set off, as it may be a while before it's safe to let them outside again.
  • You can use music to desensitise your dog to typical firework noises. This usually takes a few weeks to see a marked improvement and is best carried out well in advance for optimum results.

Stay indoors

  • Make sure your dog is shut safely inside a room to avoid them running away if you need to open any external doors.
  • Close curtains and windows to help drown out the noise and block out any scary flashes of light. Don't forget to block off any cat flaps to stop your dog (or feline friends) escaping!
  • Never walk your dog while fireworks are being let off. If you're unsure if there will be fireworks, err on the side of caution and make sure your dog has plenty of exercise earlier in the day.

Stay calm and keep them distracted

  • Turn on the radio, TV or play music to help drown out the noise of fireworks.
  • Try making a den with old blankets for your dog to hide away in. You can encourage its use by hiding treats and toys inside. Once they’ve settled down in it, leave them be and don’t coax them out.
  • Act and behave normally, because your dog will pick up on any anxious behaviour. Remain calm, happy and cheerful as this will send positive signals to your dog. Reward calm behaviour with dog treats or playing with toys of interest.

Calming Treats For Your Dog

Dog resting head on owner's leg, whilst waiting for a Forthglade Calming treat

All dogs love a little treat, but when those treats are tailored to reduce stress and anxiety, everyone is happy.

This is where our calming treats come in.

Made with a bespoke blend of camomile, lemon balm and lavender, our Calming Multi-Functional Soft-treats are perfect to help your pup stay calm throughout firework season. They are packed full of natural ingredients designed to support a healthy diet and promote calm behaviour. Importantly, these are grain-free treats and do not include any artificial ingredients that could increase anxiety.

Forthglade's calming treats and ingredients

Are you using these treats to reduce anxiety around an episodic stress like fireworks? We suggest giving your dog a calming treat just before the event for the best results.

Other Anti-Anxiety Options For Your Dog

  • Herbal remedies like Skullcap & Valerian, Bach's Rescue Remedy and Pet Remedy can help to calm your dog during distress. They all work slightly differently so make sure you're fully informed before offering them to your dog.
  • If your dog is particularly prone to becoming very distressed, have a chat with your vet or dog behaviourist for expert advice.

Many pet owners know that fireworks can cause unnecessary stress for any animal. Sometimes they are unexpected, but mostly they happen at certain times in the year. We think that with a little planning, and some treats in our pockets, it doesn’t have to be a painful experience.

Give our calming treats a go today or take a look at our full range of treats for all occasions here.
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